Tag Archives: grandma

Our New Addition to the Family


This post is long over due.

This month has been one continuous activity after another. I finally had a visit with our newest family member. Meet Riley Higgs.

He is now two months old. And he is my grandson. I can’t believe I have entered into this chapter of my life. I am amazed at how comfortable it feels. I pictured myself kicking and screaming, being forced to look at this stage of life. I thought I would feel terribly old. But instead this little guy makes me feel young and full of life. Thank you Jeremy and Marlana for this wonderful little gift.

He is such a cute little peanut.

His parents take such good care of him. They have discovered the ups and downs of parenthood. Keep your chins up guys, it really does get better and you relax more too.

I love those eye brows. They are so expressive and full of smooth curves.

But really, he just plain pretty. I am biased, I know.

This is our daughter’s first experience with handling a baby. She did great. I was surprised how comfortable she seemed with the little guy.

Thank you to our son and daughter in law for making our visit so wonderful and making us so entirely welcome. We can’t wait to come back and see our little baby again… Oh and mom and dad too.


Happy Birthday at 100


Today I want to give tribute a wonderful lady in my life.

Today this amazing lady is 100 years old.

Grandma is my mother’s mother. She is wise and vivacious and strong and such a wonderful role model for young women. She grew up in an era when women were considered weak. But not my grandmother. She looked adversity in the eye and dared it to try to kick her in the ass. She took every lemon that rolled into her path and made lemonade out of it and dressed it up with some other garnish to prove it could be done.

I love her. I will never forget the summers we spent at her lake cottage on Lake Huron as a kid. Those were fabulous family times. The cold water, the sand in our suits, walks along the shore and tons of play for all six of us kids. And not to forget Hot Tin Roofs. It was a blast.

She told us stories of her youth and of family members I never met. She transported me into a living history. It was awesome and love her for that.

She was the daughter of a Michigan lumberman, wealthy and influential. She married my grandfather, who came from another financial class. Together they made it work, despite the worst depression the country had ever seen. Grandma is the stuff fabulous heroines are made of.

I rarely see her, but she is often in my thoughts and a part of my life.

Today she stays the winters in warm Alabama and summers in her home in Michigan.

Happy Birthday Grandma. I love you.

My little piece of heaven is my Grandma.
