Monthly Archives: October 2012

Family Wedding


This post is so long overdue, but I don’t care, I’m doing it now anyway. This past August my daughter and I attending a family wedding in Alabama. It was awesome.

Our daughter hadn’t meet all of her cousins until this trip. For her it was the highlight of the summer. All the people she has kept track of through pictures over the years came to life for her. The commonality she shares with them all is fun and full of life. She connected with them completely.

Even more astounding is this is the first opportunity for all of my siblings to be together at the same time in the same place in years and years. It was a blast. And at a wedding too, because we all know weddings for our family are just plain awesome parties.

That brings us to the family pics, which is the primary reason for this post. I hope to put up some party shots later.

Here are all six of us. We are a great looking bunch of adults if you ask me.

And this is Mom with all of her grown kids. She is pretty stunning herself if I do say so myself.

Just another shot… you know, to get the full effect.

Such a nice shot of Mom. Our Dad passed away a couple years ago, but we still feel him with us.

In order of our age, oldest first with their family members…

Me with our lovely little girl.

My sister with her lovely daughter and her daughter’s husband.

My next sister with her beautiful kids and their charming spouses, and her wonderful husband.

My brother and his awesome wife and wonderful kids.

My next sister was all by herself this trip. She is the looker in that beautiful dress and fabulous shoes on the end (not the pink dress end).

This is the baby of the family and his witty, charming and beautiful wife and really wonderful boys.

And we have to have all the cousins present stand together. They are a nicely dressed bunch here.

Then, for posterity sake, those kids have to be seen with Grandma.

We clean up pretty well if you ask me. I loved taking these pictures. I have hundreds more. A bunch of these have been emailed to you all, so check your boxes and expect a gigantic file ’cause I sent them all from this day.

Woo woo!! Have fun. I hope everyone has as much fun at weddings as we do.

Thanks for sharing this little slice of heaven with me.
